// id | name | description | periodical
// ----+----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------
// 1 | lecture | Lecture with a lecturer. | f
// 2 | seminar | Seminar witch interactive participation | f
// 3 | course | Course with more than one lesson | t
// 4 | conference | Conference with multiple participants | f
// 5 | retreat | Meeting of participants for an extended period of time with multiple activities | f
// 6 | workshop | Programme with active member participation | f
// 7 | panel discussion | Public discussion with a limited number of participants | f
// 8 | special events | Special events | f
// 9 | meditation | Meditation programmes | t
// 10 | misc | miscellaneous events | f
// 11 | training | Training for BKs or other type of training | f
// 12 | power and protection | power and protection | f
// 14 | private | Private events not to be displayed on public websites | f
// 13 | group session | Regular get together | t
// 15 | online activity | Online Activities | f
// 16 | internal_event | Internal or BK Events | f
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language: "es" // "es" for Spanish also supported now
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